A New Earth Exploration:
Integrating Science, Spirituality, and Art
Lesson One: Defining Activation's of Light, New Energy,
and the Hermetic Principles
Produced and arranged by John William Brown
In defining the words "activation" and "light" one may immediately gain a broader perspective of their understandings into how these words relate to the following material. Let's take a closer look at how they are to be used here.
Activation: an energetic awakening of cellular memory of multi-dimensional consciousness that is triggered by dimensions outside of linear space and time.
Cellular Memory: knowledge of all time, place, and occurrence in the universe that exist in the actual cells of all living things.
What is Light?
Light is the emanations from the Divine Creator of All. Light is energy, transmitted by waves of band width frequencies. Light is the tool, essence, and manifestation of the Creators essence manifesting in many realms. Light carries information. Light is Life. It is the emanation of the Creator's soul. Light carries with it all properties and aspects of cleansing, healing, annointing. For it is Light that you use in your life to cleanse, heal and annoint yourself and others.
Light meaning:
Tools of perspectives for yourself - information / guidance. Light manifests in many realms, in many planes, in many realities. Light is the highest source essence of our Creator. For, Light is the very essence of the ONE SOURCE. Just as your blood runs through your veins, the Creators Light shines and emanates everywhere. Light is consciousness, divine intelligence, Light is pure, Light is the evidence of Unconditional Love, the source of all that is absolute and true. For there is only one love, one source, one truth. All else is but an illusion.
'Activation's of Light' is about the energetic triggering, or re-awakening on a cellular level to the knowledge of all time, place and occurrence of all living things in the universe. It is the re-connection to the source of the divine conscious intelligence that exists and permeates all things. Re-connection to this Light source allows for all properties and aspects of cleansing, healing, and annointing to be manifested. For it is Light that you use in your life to cleanse, heal and annoint yourself and others.
There is a new level of Light Energy that now exists on this planet. Dr. Eric Pearl states in his book, 'The Re-connection'; "These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new band width and are brought in via a spectrum of light and information that has never before been present on earth. It is through the Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect."
He goes on to point out that this new level of energy is something new... it is real ......and also supported by the latest theories on nuclear and quantum physics. David Crockett-Williams, who has worked for the past twenty five years specializing in theoretical chemical physics of human consciousness, along with other more well known and prominent chemical physics, postulates that Tetron (as described by his four four equations of his "Tetron Thesis" which defines this consciousness orientation) function of the human mind, as an overlooked property of Light. The 'C' in E=Mc2, hypothesizes it as the relationship of mind between observer and observed, and concludes that beyond the measurement parameters of space time that the observer and observed are 'absolutely identically equal', that 'All is One', and that it is this human mind's consciousness orientation function of Light which delineates this 'Oneness', into the 'objective reality' relationship between observer and observed.
This text version of 'Activation's of Light' will impart this vibration and assist in your attunement of the new energetic frequencies. Dr. Eric pearl also states that; 'More of it, however, will be imparted by something -other than words-whether you want to call it encoding, vibration, or anything else. And yes, you can begin the shift and accommodation of carrying the energy after reading this, because, to varying degrees, the ability to hold and utilize these new frequencies is imparted to those who come in contact with them through the written word, as well as through other forms of media. No, it isn't the same as one on one, yet it's a powerful beginning.
There are three major inter-connecting components that make up the 'Activation's of Light' program. The first being the Hermetic Principles, that serve as the bridge between energy-spirit, and the physical world. They are the universal, sequential, and simultaneous laws that govern how energy comes into form. In this program, I refer to the Hermetic Principles as the building blocks of the New Energetic Light Grid Matrix. This, a newly planetary lattice network of light and information that surrounds Earth, created by the applications of the Hermetic Principles, is currently working through phases of elevated activation. This new Energy Grid, is now vibrating and operating at elevated frequencies never before attained on this planet. It's main purpose is to be used to access the 'Universal Language of Light'.
Again, the three main interconnecting components of the 'Activation's of Light' program are;
1. Hermetic Principles
2. The New Energetic Light Grid Matrix
3. The Universal Language of Light
The Hermetic Principles
By Paul Von Ward
The Hermetic Principles, named after a legendary personality, Hermes Trismegistus (meaning "thrice" great), have been known and articulated in esoteric scientific circles for more then five thousand years. For many centuries, the term "hermeticism" was inappropriately associated only with alchemy, or the alledged transmutation of metals into gold. By focusing purely on the material realm, such references obscured the deeper mental, energetic, and spiritual meanings of this ancient wisdom. Today, the term "hermetic" has come to mean secret or sealed (as in the term "hermetically sealed").
Hermes Trismegistus, identified by some as the god Thoth, was one of the "wise beings" who shared knowledge and insight with the pre-pharaonic Egyptians. Hermes is considered by many to be the source of the basic teachings that infused all the highly intellectual, esoteric traditions of the Egyptians, Greeks, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Christians*. A few learned initiates guarded the insights and passed them on discerningly over the centuries to those deemed ready for the teachings**. During the Inquisition and other periods of religious persecution, it was dangerous to reveal ones belief in an alternate reality. Consequently, most of the understanding was lost on the masses, as well as the scholars and students of the modern era.
The seven Hermetic Principles are Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rythmn, Cause and Effect, and Gender***. Although they can appear to be so simple and mundane that the casual reader is wont to skim them lightly, they may actually be far more reaching then the basic assumptions of Newtonian mechanics or quantum physics. The current works of various frontier scientist and grounded metaphysicians is confirming the validity of these concepts. We can now begin to test them in an integrated way to determine their application to all dimensions of our universe.
* Some believe the same or similar being was a source of knowledge for the Toltecs, Mayans, and the Incas of the Western Hemisphere. For example, the Mayan calendrical system had several principles similiar to the Hermetic ones presented here.
** This tradition is the basis for the plot of the currently popular The Celestine Prophecy".
*** In Hindu metaphysics we find similar principles: The primordial sound of Aum indicates the Principle of vibration, while the concept of Brahman coincides with the Principle of Mentalism.
Hermetic Principles
1. Mentalism
The Principle of Mentalism is reflected in the Biblical quotation, "In the beginning was the Word." Ultimately all external reality is based on idea or concept. In the context of quantum physics, Mentalism means the physical world can be reduced to patterns of potential connections among potential concentrations of matter/energy that might or might not come into form, depending upon the introduction of consciousness. Twentieth-century physicists and consciousness researchers are thus on the edge of unraveling the implications of Mentalism that Hermetic initiates have known all along. Now anyone can grasp it's meaning: the basic force in the universe is mental.
2. Correspondence
The Principle of Correspondence, "as above, so below," means that one can infer the nature of distant realms from local experience. The dynamics of cells are parallel to the dynamics of galaxies. Just as a small laboratory or computer program can simulate the bahavior of stars billions of light years away, the consciousness of an individual being can confer with the Ultimate Consciousness that existed when there was only the word. This principle ensures, for example, that humans need not dread exposure to the idea of, say, extraterrestrials; they are derived from the same universal consciousness.
3. Vibration
The Principle of Vibration, which asserts that everything is in continual motion, is now a basic tenet of science. Subatomic particles are continually moving in relation to each other in every concentration of energy and mass in the universe.. The patterns of vibration occur in all manifestations- from dense stone, to gaseous molecules, to the thoughts and emotions of human beings. We have intuitively grasped the validity of this principle: we get "good vibes" about this or that. When we are on different frequencies with someone, we can wind down or increase the tension, thereby moving a situation to a congruent level of vibration.
4. Polarity
The Principle of Polarity embodies the truth that two seeming opposites are in truth compliments that differ only in degree- the obverse and reverse sides of the same coin. This principle applies in all realms. Photon particles are inextricably linked in pairs, with each as either the positive or negative aspect of the other. Hot and cold are but different aspects of the same temperature gradient. Any characteristic in nature or cosmic experience has it's own gradient-large and small, high and low, black and white, sharp and dull, male or female. Where does each pole end and the other begin? What about the shades of good and evil? The crucial point here is that all such polarities are only different vibrations on the same continuum. One can be transmuted into the other employing the Principle of Polarity.
5. Rhythm
The principle of Ryhthm means that everything manifests itself in a pattern of to and fro, up and down, in and out. The movement in one direction is always compensated for by a return. For every action, there is a reaction and for every advance there is a retreat.. The principle applies in all the affairs of the cosmos-stars, beings, mind, energy, and matter. It works in the interactions within a plane, and in communications between dimensions. Over time, the rythmns result in spiraling shapes that characterize much of the universe.
Understanding of the dynamics of this principle makes it possible to mitigate some of its more extreme effects. We can recognize that fatigue, followed by rest, leads to renewed energy. Anger gives way to remorse and pain succumbs to release. By being aware of the rhythmns, one is less likely to resist their flow, thereby reducing the buildup of extremes.
6. Cause and Effect
The Principle of Cause and Effect is more commonly known by its ordinary meaning: "x" acts on "y" and causes "z". From the Hermetic perspective, to say each effect has many causes is more accurate. This multilevel reality is epitomized by Carl Jung's use of the word "synchronicity" to describe events that, though outwatdly appearing to occur by chance, are actually the inner workings of one or more "cosmic laws". Indeed, all events are at some level the workings of cosmic law. What we attribute by "chance" is usually an event whose governing law is not evident. True chance or randomness probably occurs only at the level of quantum gaps, where there is a true break between past and future.
The Hindu concept of karma is an illustration of the principle of Cause and Effect, as is the Christian admonition,"as you sow, so shall you reap." Human societies are only now learning the dramatic effect of this principle in ecological systems. now humankind must become more aware of cosmic law in the realm of consciousness, in it's role as Conscious C0-Creators of the Universe.
7. Gender
Gender, the last Hermetic principle, has remained the most obscure because we tend to equate gender with primary physical sex characteristics. However, every being and every plane in the cosmos contain the dual elements of Yin and yang, feminine and masculine. The term "gender" recognizes the complimentariness within all self contained units of the universe. Even in apparent single-sexed entities, one aspect is the receptive nurturer, while another is the expressing creator. The principle of gender itself obeys the Principles of Polarity and Rhythm, in one circumstance manifesting the masculine aspect and in another the feminine. Neither is ever totally absent: in space-time balance is assured. Fully aware cosmic beings seek harmony in living their dual nature (Gender), honoring the ebb and flow (Rhythm) called for by the organic developements in self, society, solar system, and cosmos.
These seven principles are simple keys to the mysteries of matter-energy, spirit-mind, and consciousness. They can open the gateways through which a profound transformation of conscious life becomes possible. This book is an argument for undertaking such a journey, demonstrating that transformation on the mental and energetic planes will have immediate consequences in the material realm. Not one principle stands alone: all affect each other in a mode of reciprocation, thereby assuring the cohesion and unity of the multifaceted universe.
Notes on Application of the Hermetic Principles.
Throughout history, Hermetic axioms and principles, although simple to understand, have been deliberately shrouded in cryptic ciphers, allegories and parables. Alchemical works provide a good example, and the reason they seem so difficult to understand is that there is a prerequisite for the individual to have an understanding which is free from pre-conception, as well as a pre-requisite of being free from culturally programmed grid-works which encompass belief systems that mask realization of the principles discussed.
Hermetic philosophy embodies the following principles:
Intuition: (In this context) is the absolute knowledge founded on the identity of the mind knowing with the object known. Attend to this definition . You can never actually know something unless "you become one with it" in a certain sense. Intuitive processes operate just below the average level of waking consciousness of the human population, although the barrier generally seems to be thinning as the mass population evolves, despite manipulation and control. These intuitive processes are functional product of the very nature of the Matrix which connects all life-forms; from one perspective it can be said to be the "collective subconscious", but that is a definition reflecting lack of consciousness of the Matrix - where most people "are at". This Matrix is the Source of all consciousness in all species. The process of access to this Matrix is the subject of all Hermetic and Alchemical works, as well as the ultimate subject for various occult (hidden) paradigms. From a cultural religious body-consciousness dis-empowered point of view involving exterior psychological projection, it has been called "God."
Access to the Matrix requires a certain amount of cognitive restructuring, in that the process of access appears to be "paradoxical" and "against the laws of logic". It requires you to do things that seem counter to anything you have heard, yet you see examples of these principles in use every day. Norman Vincent Peale (the power of positive thinking) discussed some aspects of Hermetic principle, but most applications of the principle by the public appeared to be the means to an end - the end product was the satisfaction of a need based on security, sensation and power for most people. Image-based ego orientations. The actual process is important, not the things that manifest themselves.
According to most Hermetic sources, there seem to be three classes of "knowers":
Hope: a term implying uncertainty and a desire in the future which has yet to be fulfilled.
Imagination: allowance of anticipation of the future.
Hermetic principles only operate in the Eternal Now, the present. The word "eternal," in this context, does not mean "a state of time without end," but a state where there is in fact no time to be measured. It is the personal "I" that observes the present moment "Now."
A Hermetic Process
If you require something in the material world, and it can be reasonably available to you, all you have to do is transmit that requirement to your sub-conscious mind - but the subconscious mind will do it only if the desire is successfully transmitted to it from the conscious mind. The paradox for most people is that to cause the desire to reach the subconscious, the conscious mind must cease to exercise the desire, because as long as the conscious mind wants something, the very act of wanting implies a future tense in regard to fulfillment. Since the subconscious only deals with the Eternal Present moment, any idea which is offered within a context that is not in the present moment will be ignored. Thus, the "desire" must be thought of as already satisfied. In terms of cultural religious programming, this maxim translates as "only if you believe it has been granted will it come true." Any trace of Doubt will render the result moot.
So, the paradoxical nature of the Hermetic process (paradoxical from a social consciousness point of view) is that you are required to believe that a desired condition exists before it can be made manifest in the physical world.
DOUBT is an interesting concept; DOUBT is a product of the reasoning process, or the logical side of the brain. The opposite of DOUBT is CERTAINTY, and CERTAINTY is what is behind KNOWING.
If you WISH for a desired state, or HOPE that it will come to pass, you are automatically thinking in the FUTURE tense. As long as you WANT something, and the want (in your mind) remains unfulfilled, aspirations are centered in the FUTURE and cannot be transmitted to the Eternal Now of the subconscious. Thus, "desire nothing and there is nothing you shall not realize."
The collective subconscious is a force that awaits activation and response through KNOWINGNESS and CERTAINTY. Initiates are advised to work on development of the feeling of KNOWING
This information above is courtesy of: Leading Edge International Resource Group
WEB: www.trufax.org/w4.html
Quote from the Kyballion
"The Art of Hermetic Alchemy", which, contrary to the general belief, dealt in the mastery of mental forces, rather that material elements- the Transmutation of one kind of mental Vibrations into others, instead of the changing of one kind metal into the other. The "Legends of the Philosopher's Stone", which would turn base metal into gold, was an allegory relating to Hermetic Philosophy, readily understood by all students of true Hermeticism."
The well known recent movie and publications of Harry Potter and the "Sorcerer's Stone," was first introduced in England as, "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone." The name was changed to "Sorcerer's Stone" for marketing purposes when it came to the United States.
Next-Lesson 2: The New Light Grid Energy Matrix
To be posted shortly..please stay tuned
The Ascension Grid (aka Christ Grid, Electromagnetic Grid, Light
Grid, Conscioussness Grid, etc.) is the newly formed energetic
lattice that covers our planet. It reflects and amplifies our
ascending levels of consciousness. It is a crystalline 'light' matrix
that was anchored in 1992, five years after the harmonic
convergence. Although in place and functional, its total activation
will involve 12 phases, with full resonant vibratory rate achieved
on the 12-12-12 ...December 12, 2012.The 'triple' dates (
01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) that occur uniquely for the next 12
years each carry numeric light codes that open & activate each of
the 12 major faces of the light grid.
Visualize the grid as as a geodesic sphere, of pentagons and
triangles, sparkling as a faceted, brilliant diamond. It is a seed
crystal of new form, the double penta-dodecahedron. Its time has
arrived, Merkaba of Earthstar. The double penta dodecahedron
has 144 facets, the number of Christ ascension. ( Each
dodecahedron has 12 pentacles with 60 facets, add the 12
pentagons for 72, double this for 144 ! )
The concept of planetary grids is not a new one. Plato theorized
the concept as did the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Hopi
Indians. In a sense, grids are the template, the 'program', that
allows all life to operate in the graduated light format.
If you will, the Ascension Grid, is 'Windows 2012' , and it is quite
necessary for our ascension.
There is not one, but three grid templates surrounding our planet
effecting human life. The three are separate, yet intricately related.
The grids have separate functions relating individually to: (1)
planetary gravitational field, (2) telluric electromagnetics, and (3)
light consciousness. Any change or alteration to one, effects the
others, in a proportional mathmatical ratio.
The ascension grid is anchored into the earth with two axis points.
Tremendous energy lines flow outward from the northern axis
point and reeneter at the southern. These energetic lines are
directly connected to every sacred sites of Gaia. There are
The grids reflect and to an extent regulate, parameters of the
consciousness of both Gaia and spirit. The Gravity gridand
Electromagnetic grid have been adjusted on several occasions
since mans establishment on the earth plane 200,000 years ago.
The light-consciousness grid has evolved with mans increased
Platonic Solids Geometry Since our planets birth, the grid work
around the earth has consisted of a sacred geometry matrix of one
of the five Platonic solids. Plato believed that the earth's basic
structure was in the process of evolving from simple geometric
shapes into more complex ones. In order of complexity the five
patterns theorized by Plato to be the building blocks of crystalline
matrix, are the tetrahedron (4 faces), hexahedron (6 faces),
octahedron (8 faces), dodecahedron (12 faces) and icosahedron
(20 faces). Plato further theorized that the earth was evolving into
an icosahedron grid.
Academics, including Dr Ivan Sanderson, Dr Hagens and Dr
Becker, diagramed this shape in the 70's by connecting major
electromagnetic fields on the map. The points formed a triangular
pattern of pentagons…. an icosahedron. The icosahedron
was in fact, the geometry of the planetary light grid for the past
millenia, prior to the Harmonic Convergence.
The 1987 Harmonic Convergence was a measurement of Earths
vibratory level, a test. The Earth revealed a far greater
measurement of 'light' than ever before. For the first time since the
'great fall', the planet carried more 'light' than 'dark'. As a result all
three grids required 'upgrading'. The magnetic grid was adjusted
to lessen the 'veil' separating humans from their duality. The telluric
grid was adjusted to enable a greater vibratory rate at sacred
sites. The light or ascension grid took on a new, higher geometric
model, capable of regulating a far more sophistocated light code
than the old iscosahedron.
As Joseph Jochmans writes in Earth: A Crystal Planet, "Beyond
the Platonic series of Solids is another form being geometrically
generated out of the old Icosa-Dodeca crystal. If you take an
Icosahedron and join together with lines every other point inside
the form, you create twelve pentacles or five-pointed stars. If you
extend the outer edges of the Icosahedron and join these node
points together, you create a second group of twelve pentacles or
stars. This becomes the seed crystal that gives birth to a new
crystalline form called a double penta- dodecahedron, composed
of twelve double-pentacles equally spaced across the surface of
the globe."
The icosahedron is now being replaced by an ascension 'light'grid.
A'seed-crystal' matrix, the double penta-docecahedron, is born.
The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher
frequency for the new Earth.
Mainstream researchers are in fact noting that the node points and
grid alignments earlier attributed to the Becker-Hagens grid map,
no longer fit. Weather patterns are changing, climates are in major
flux and migration routes of birds are altered. Whales and dolphins
are beaching themselves far more often over the past 14 years
since the harmonic convergence. The earth's geomagnetic field is
changing, and changing fast.
This all validates a change in the grid system and the work of the
Kryon. The new ascension grid is increasing in frequency as the
magnetic grid is lessened. The old crystal grid is fading, and a new
crystal matrix is forming.
We are part of the new crystal formation….the ascension
grid. One of the most meaningful avenues available to us in the
ascension process is coming together as Lightworkers, in
ceremony and unity, to awaken all humanity and bond with the
Living Earth, by generating and directing positive energy.
By concerted efforts to support and give light to the ascension
grid, we accelerate both it s formation and dissolution of the older
matrix. The planetary Ascension grid is a manifestation of the
energy evolvement and patterned growth of the Universal
Consciousness. Earth is the living GAIA, the grid is her aura.
Accordingly the grid contains the sacred geometry energy patterns
of the Flower of Life, the crystal matrix of creation.
We accept readily that we are energetic beings surrounded by a
potent electromagnetic field. We chose to be part of the ascension
process and the ascension of the living Gaia. We channel inward
great flows of cosmic divine energy with the capacity to direct this
light outward through directed meditative thought for the highest
By unifying our energies in synchronized ecstatic states we form a
powerful light vortex. This energy can cleanse, brighten, energize
and activate according to our intent and flow. Our intent is light of
the highest order, transferred to the new grid, the new crystal
matrix of Gaia.
Activation Mediation
The exercise for energy connection, transferal and activation of the
ascension grid is as follows:
1. Find a place to set or lie comfortably.
2. Breath very deeply and ryhymicly
3. Visualize diamond light energy coming in through the crown
4. Send it down through the spine, through each chakra, and back
to the heart.
5. Flow the energy in a beam, a corridor of light energy, into the
core of the earth.
6. From the core of the earth visualize the white light energy
flashing into an infinity of light frequencies feeding into the
planetary grid.
7. Experience the ecstasy, and allow it flow
Through our creation and transfer of diamond-light, joyous energy
into the Ascension Grid, we simultaneously activate ourselves to
be in alignment with the heightened energy of ascension. We
become loving, channeling columns of light, we connect as one
synergetic beam of ecstasy. Each participant is a vortex, a point of
light on the globe, one with another, one with the ascension.
Creating, co-creating the frequency of the New Planet Earth
toward the highest good. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm,
a point of light in the bursting infinity of light. We are love, and are
The Electromagnetic Grid
From: "The Light Shall Set You Free" -Norma J. Milanovich
In Atlantis, an etheric energy matrix existed beneath the earth's surface, providing a lattice
network for such activities as telepathic communication and healing. This matrix was
known as a grid, which is defined as a network of uniformly spaced horizontal and vertical
bars or lines, especially one for locating points when placed over a map, a chart, building
plan, etc.
This grid was a system of electromagnetic frequencies created through worldwide
linkages, made by human thought waves and energy transmitted by the Earth and through
crystals. The system followed a carefully designed plan that was obviously intelligently
thought out and detailed. It embodied the study and form of Geomancy, which means the
divination of lines drawn at random.
This electromagnetic grid existed for centuries and supported the higher-dimensional
existence of the Atlanteans. It enabled life to exist in a higher form on the planet. It was an
empowering system situated several feet beneath the Earth's surface. The electromagnetic
grid was built by the Thrice-Greatest Geomancer and Master of Earth known as Hermes
Trismegistus and the High Priests and Priestesses of Atlantis who came to Earth to build
civilization for this part of the galaxy.
The intricate landscaping produced by their efforts to connect the Heavens to Earth was
completed in cooperation with the Elohim and the Devic kingdoms. It was based on the
Hermetic Principles that form the basis for all manifestation. These principles are included
in the Universal Laws, described earlier in this book. The effect of this grid ultimately was
to connect humans to the Earth through the power of spirit.
Today, we see the remnants of this miraculous accomplishment in the form of ley lines.
These electromagnetic currents of energy once encased the Earth, connecting land masses
and traveling under the seas. Architects, scientists, archaeologists, mystics, and others
know these lines to be real, but have little physical evidence to support their existence.
Some people believe that they can be located using the spiritual trigonometry techniques of
Buckminster Fuller. Even if they can, it is impossible to create an acceptable scientific
explanation of how these lines were created. Evidence of their existence and the power of
their intersection points, however, can be tracked to such uses as :
Guiding focal points for positioning cathedrals, pyramids, sacred structures, and other
mystical objects, such as Stonehenge.
Organizing Earth energies
Facilitating UFO activities and sightings
Guiding the migration patterns of birds
Dictating volcanic activity
Directing gravity and antigravity activities
Defining the ridges on mountain tops
Directing the movements of ocean currents.
The electromagnetic grid was the greatest spiritual accomplishment ever completed on the
planet. It exemplified the highest human thought-forms of love interfacing with Mother
Earth. The primary purposes of the electromagnetic grid were to:
1 ~ connect the spiritual Light Bodies of individuals; and
2 ~ supply a free and unending amount of energy to those who were connected to it.
This was done by synchronizing brain-wave patterns to the currents of energy emitted by
thoughts that were linked with the heart centers of individuals. Thus, frequencies were
created that were connected directly to the Higher Selves, and consequently, the Divine
Plan. As a result, Earth's grid lines and the auric frequencies of individuals were clarified
and purified, for all connected in the macrocosm / microcosm.
Since the energy field created by these steps aligned with a higher frequency or spiritual
attunement, this frequency automatically connected to Earth's Light network called " Christ
Consciousness" ( another term for the God Force). This created a web of Light
resembling a massive brain and nervous system, signalling and connecting the physical
world to etheric existence of the Higher Self. In this way, a highly evolved spiritual
telecommunications system was created that could be used by all who had reached an
enlightened state of consciousness.
Since there were so many awakened individuals in Atlantis who were connected to the
God Force, it was relatively easy to bridge connections of thought, mind, and heart
through the Higher Selves. All individuals who walked the Earth with their Third eyes open
were connected to this energy field because the resonance patterns of the Third Eye
equaled that of Christ consciousness.
Hermes and other beings of Light first implanted celestial crystals within the etheric bodies
of the High Priests and Priestesses and within those of the Light Workers of the hierarchy.
These crystals contained symbolic and geometric coding from the Universal Language of
Light that sent out frequencies to connect signals emanating from points of Light. This
effort formed lines of Light radiating from their etheric bodies which connected to the
Earth, forming the illumined web of Divine energy. To determine which crystals would be
implanted within the etheric bodies, the High Priests and Priestesses were matched using a
selection process that assured compatibility to other souls. Matching was completed
based upon membership in the individualís soul group and the ray upon which each
entered embodiment. Crystals that matched select criteria were then implanted etherically
within the lower eight bodies of high Initiates.
After all etheric encoding was completed Hermesí team then positioned crystals (
primarily clear quartz, although other stones such as rose quartz and amethyst also were
used ) beneath the Earthís surface. This step connected the High Priests and Priestesses,
who carried the etheric implants, to the electromagnetic energies emitted from the crystals
buried beneath the Earth. Individuals were then ě charged ě accordingly with a higher
current of energy and eventually sent around the world, connecting designated points to
sacred sites. Connections were accomplished by touch, and also by the physical presence
of the High Priests and Priestesses, because their auras emitted energy rays that were
higher than those of the other citizens of Atlantis.
These select emissaries of the Divine journeyed to various lands and sites. Each time they
visited foreign places, the currents of energy were made stronger. Throughout the
centuries this process strengthened the ley lines, making them nearly impenetrable. The
Light traveling through these lines was so pure and radiant that mystics and high adepts
could see them with their Third Eyes. Earthís radiance could be tracked by Celestial
Beings in the Heavens, and all who resided on this frequency used this grid for higher
purposes.. The grid truly connected the Heavens to Earth and formed the perfect
Oneness. Consequently, peace, love, and light abounded everywhere, for all of these
attributes were connected to the Divine Plan.
That was the state of affairs when Atlantis was in its glory. But as history often reveals,
things began to change. Certain individuals , not of the priesthood, began to rise to power
and change the systems, which resulted in disaster. In time, Atlantis fell, and when it did,
many of these great accomplishments were buried with the land underneath the ocean
Reports ( such as those written by Plato ) reveal that Atlantis was magnificent during its
height and glory. Some of the survivors, who were the keepers of this sacred knowledge
on geomancy, settled in Egypt and the Yucatan, keeping a portion of the mysteries alive.
That is why these civilizations were able to rise to great heights, also. Other souls drifted
off into ě the deep sleepî, holding the sacred information within their Akashic Records
until the time when history would reveal that the souls of the High Priests and Priestesses
would reincarnate to rebuild Atlantis in the form of the Seventh Golden Age. That time is
The High priests and Priestesses from Atlantis have risen. The souls of these beings who
ruled Atlantis have reincarnated and presently are remembering what this electromagnetic
grid was and what it stands for. Even now, they are traveling the world creating a NEW
grid matrix for Earth.
Atlantis is rising, just as the great ěsleeping prophetî Edgar Cayce prophesied decades
ago. This time, the purpose of the priesthood is to assist the Earth to enter the Fifth
For the past several years, these souls ( representing the Order of Melchizedek ) have
been actively involved in establishing a new electromagnetic grid, situated this time not
under the Earth, but approximately three to four feet above its surface. Much of the old
grid has been destroyed or desecrated, making it virtually unusable for the new world that
is coming. Therefore, sacred sites are being created all over the world as energy fields to
support the new matrix.
Rainbow energy fields are slowly emerging from Earthís crystalline structures deep below
its surface. Gaia ( Mother Earth ) is awakening and moving out of slumber into a
heightened state of consciousness. As more and more souls choose to receive the
Universal language of Light programming from etheric crystals implanted within the lower
eight bodies, assurances arise that the New Jerusalem is emerging on Earth and humans
are co-creators of this celestial temple.
Soon the new electromagnetic grid will be complete. When this occurs, cosmic doors that
emerge will create entrance and exit points that facilitate inter-dimensional travel.
Communications with the gods, just as in Atlantis, will become ě business as usual ě, and
all who earn the higher vibrational frequency connected with the Higher Self will have
access to this communications channel network.
Since Atlantis fell, the Order of Melchizedek periodically has sent to Earth some of its
finest members who have incarnated to assist humanity to evolve. This was especially
important during the Dark Ages, when consciousness was at its lowest. Usually only one
soul embodied at a time, but occasionally they would incarnate in groups, supporting each
other when an important mission, such as mass enlightenment or a great invention or
literary work, had to be completed. Every time they embodied, these souls were so pure
that they could remember how to connect to the Order's membership remaining on the
etheric ( the Ascended Masters ). They would do so for the purpose of channeling great
works, writings, and legacies for humanity's benefit and growth.
One need only review history to read the names of these great masters who came to
Earth. Souls like Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Hippocrates, Athena, Akhnaton, Isis, Jesus,
Mother Mary, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad, Shakespeare, Solomon, Moses, Sai Baba,
Gandhi, and Quan Yin are only a few who were sent to Earth by the Order. Jesus is called
Melchizedek King in the scriptures because of his purity and perfect mastery of the laws.
The Order of Melchizedek has been guiding Earth's development from the beginning of
time and will continue to do so in the future. Today, the Order is providing instruction and
assistance to all who have the hearts to hear. It teaches individuals how to be free of
limitations and pain, thus ending the struggle to evolve. The Age of Aquarius has promised
this. It has been written; so shall it be done!
Hermes has returned, too, and once again is directing the establishment of the new
electromagnetic grid that is destined to surround the Earth. The new matrix will be likened
to a tuning fork as it vibrates and connects the higher consciousness of humans all over the
world. It will facilitate the development of the Adam Kadmon, or the emergence of the
new human who is destined to walk the face of the Earth in the Seventh Golden Age.
Just as when Atlantis existed, conditions on Earth and in the universe are synchronized
once again to support this endeavor. It has taken over 10,000 years for this higher
frequency to be reached, because the Heavens have not been able to experience such
alignment until now. This perfect alignment has called forth the "Great One" himself.
The Electromagnetic Grid is not intended to be part of a new religion. Instead, it is being
created to develop humanity's potential by linking higher consciousness centers to the
Christos energy. The grid will create a web of light and focused human consciousness,
vibrating on wave lengths that use the Universal Language of Light to transmit messages. It
will be the super highway for evolution in the years to come. Some of the uses for the
electromagnetic grid are to:
*Send Love
*Heal oneself and others
*Increase telepathic powers
*Open the Third Eyes of Initiates on the path to enlightenment
*Link the world in the concept of Oneness
*Send support to others
*Increase the soul's ability to do soul travel
*Access the Universal Language of Light
*Increase manifestation powers for self and others
*Empower individuals
*Strengthen Earth's magnetic field in the Light
*Support spiritual development
*Link humanity with Mother Earth
*Contact the Celestial Command ( including the angels )
The Universal Language of Light contains 144,000 geometric symbols. It is the frequency
coding that humans need to transcend third-dimensional thinking. It comes to us through
our own Higher Selves and filters down to our lower eight bodies. This language carries
the Divine blueprint for our individual missions that replaces the will of the ego with the
Will of God.
These geometric symbols presently are being encoded into human consciousness and our
etheric bodies. This is being completed by the Celestial Hierarchy with all who have given
permission to have it done. Coding resides on various wave lengths, so that individuals
receive only the symbolic coding that matches their levels of consciousness. The lower the
consciousness, the fewer the codes that can be downloaded. The higher the
consciousness, the more the codes that are implanted. The more symbols that one
receives, the more responsibility for world service he or she is given in fulfillment of the
Divine Plan.
The goal for Earth's ascension into the Fifth Dimension is to connect as many Light
Workers to the grid as possible. We are connected to the grid through the solar plexus
area. We can focus our energy, meditate on the Light, and send and receive important
messages, energies, and manifestations.
The Electromagnetic Grid Cannot Be Misused
The electromagnetic grid is an instrument of peace, cooperation, and love, and will be
used to build this kind of world in the coming millenium. It cannot be misused because one
must reside on a higher frequency to use it. No one residing on a lower frequency ( for
example, people who are greedy or wish to inflict harm on others ) will be able to connect
to it. When a person evolves to a higher level of consciousness, he or she will be incapable
of inflicting harm, for the soul's new vibrational frequency will carry an agenda that no
longer supports the lower behaviors.
The importance of the electromagnetic grid is that it provides Light Workers everywhere a
tool for sending and receiving information and energies that can result in manifestation to
serve the move toward the Fifth Dimension.
Here is an exercise sent through Kuthumi to assist you in accessing this electromagnetic
1 ~ Sit with your spine straight and breathe deeply.
2 ~ Calm your mind, body, and emotions. Stay perfectly centered at all times when using
this force field.
3 ~ Invoke the Light and your Higher Self to protect you.
4 ~ Meditate on the Light
5 ~ Illuminate the Third Eye by visualizing a bright golden Light within your head. Connect
this Light with your heart center.
6 ~ Connect to the Great Central Sun and the Earth Star through your twelve chakras and
ground this higher radiant energy within your heart.
7 ~ Visuaalize the electromagnetic grid connecting to your solar plexus area with a golden
Light of energy. See yourself as a part of this web and feel grounded in this sea of Love
and Light.
8 ~ Send out impulses of energy and begin to receive ,as well.
9 ~ Expect that it is so ! So Be It ! So It Is !
Hermes Trismegistus , with the Elohim and Devic Kingdoms, built an electromagnetic grid
system several feet below the Earth's surface that was used for centuries to support a
higher-dimensional existence on Atlantis. After the fall of Atlantis the grid was damaged,
and the remnants are known to us as ley lines. The grid connected the Light Bodies of
individuals to each other and to the Earth, provided a free and unending amount of energy
to those connected to the grid, and connecting to the physical world to the etheric
existence of the Higher Self. It also formed a telecommunications system which could be
used by all who had reached an enlightened state of consciousness.
For the first time in 10,000 years, Earth has reached a frequency that supports a new
electromagnetic grid, to be built in support of the Seventh Golden Age and upon entering
the Fifth Dimension. The new grid will be approximately three to four feet above Earth's
surface, and sacred sites are being created as energy fields to support the new grid matrix.
The new grid will:
*Create entrance and exit points for interdimensional travel; *Facilitate communication
with etheric beings; *Facilitate communication with other Initiates and enlighten people
worldwide; *Generate wave lengths that use the Universal Language of Light to transmit
messages; Transmit our Divine blueprints for our life missions.
This is a story of a 'myth'.....the Story of Atlantis and the creation of the Electromagnetic grid over 11,000 years ago, and the return of the New Energy Light Grid Matrix
Lesson Three- Language of Light
Presented by Jon-William Brown
Introduction to Light Language;
Language of Light - symbols, images, and words used
to communicate the energy of God Consciousness in everyday terms.
This Language is both universal and eternal. Light Language is
sequences of colored geometries that represents the way energy
moves into form. Energetic symbols, images, and words used to
communicate the energy of God Consciousness in everyday terms.
They can be arranged to communicate love, truth and world peace,
or soothe a headache, balance the chakras and manifest your highest
potential. Balance your chakras daily with color and form to raise
the consciousness of the planet. At the deepest level Light Language
resonates with subatomic space - the domain of quarks and
omegons. On the macro, Light Language is like a geometric gearbox
orchestrating the grids that contain stars, galaxies, universes and life
itself. Such is the power, resonance and authenticity of Light
Language to harmonize the Divine within and around everyone of us.
Energetic Codes- knowledge imprints from star intelligence,
instinct, memory, genetics and experience that exist in crystal
templates that can transmit their information if they are activated
within certain time frames.
The mission of the Language of Light Music is to increase perspectives and raise
consciousness for the next evolutionary cycle of humanity's awakening. Although anyone is capable of 'activating light energy' alone and without the assistance of 'tools'
many are used to ground the vibrational healing of sound, color & Sacred Geometry for peace & well being through Light Music, Sacred Geometry Medallions & Light / Information.
This technology helps balance a person's electro-magnetic and electro-chemical
frequencies. While transforming un-natural electromagnetic radiation, these tools support mood balance and have helped many to: boost energy, manage stress, increase mental focus, achieve peak performance, improve brain function and work smarter.
Pleiadean Channeling by Barbara Marciniak- Language of Light
We are here. We would like to discuss with you the language of light and the geometric form and how they dance around you continuously. We would like also to tie this into your dream state. We would like to also speak about the unseen energy that is around you, that makes up a gridwork of your being. If you know a little bit more about it, it [will] allow you to create and to bring into your sphere of activity, that which you are wanting.
Much is going on continuously around you that you cannot see. There has been an acceleration of what are called avatars-masters, energy beings that have infused your system. They are permeating your world, assisting the raising of consciousness.
When we speak that the avatars and masters have permeated the gridwork of the world, they bring with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on your planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension. They are symbolic forms, but, literally, they have a life of
their own and they make up what is known as the language of light.
You are implanted with a structure, a geometric form, and
that geometric form triggers certain information within you.
It is a way of receiving information and energy that will
facilitate your development. It is learning without thinking
that you have to do it all through books, or thinking that you
have to do it all through the intellect. It is opening to the
belief that there is indeed an immense hierarchy. Immense
beyond your comprehension, that has been working with
the dear humanities since the very beginning.
This hierarchy works with love, cherishes who you are, and
has been able to see through the time mechanisms that are
keyed throughout your planet. They have been able to read
that the consciousness is ready for the evolutionary leap.
The next step in the evolutionary leap as you, yourselves,
are all mutating, is to literally implant you with a geometric
form. You are mutating to such an extent that literally it is a
process unfolding within you that will allow you to move into
another realm of experience. Each humanity on the planet
has the potentiality to move through this mutation. Many
will stop the process because many do not have the desire
to align themselves with higher consciousness. When you
are aware of a Divine Consciousness that seeds your
planet, an intellect that is so vast, that is loving, that works
with you, and when you call to be a portion of [that
consciousness], that is when you bring to yourself an
implanting of the geometric form.
The forms that are implanted come in a variety of shapes.
There is the use of the geometric form of pyramid structure.
Why is the pyramid so important? We will tell you that on
your planet, and throughout the cosmos, the pyramid
structure is utilized to represent a great unity of
consciousness. It is the structure that is most difficult to
create in all of its many facets, and yet it is a structure of
perfection. It is a structure of using energy and sending it.
The structure of the sphere will also be used to be
implanted inside of you. The structure of the spiral. The
spiral is very dear to many of you. Many of you have
sojourned within cultures and societies where the spiral
was utilized to communicate many ideas. There will be the
structure of the parallel lines. There will be the structure of
the cube. And, of course, the structure for those who know
of the merkabah vehicle. That is the five sided figure.
QUESTION: Could you talk more about the five sided figure
you just mentioned?
PLEIADIANS: The five sided figure represents the figure of
man. It represents man in his most unlimited state. Man
totally free. It is man in his design without any limitations. It
is man being able to fly, which is something that a large majority of you do not think you can do. Yet that is an implant that comes after a while when one truly commits themselves to what was formerly possible.
The implant, the geometric form, that is going to be implanted inside of your being is going to depend first of all on your request for alignment, your request and your belief that these entities are working with you and that they choose to be available to you if you choose to be available for them to work with you. As you begin to unfold and to allow what are called miracles, what are called magnificent events to manifest in your life, they will begin.
Many of you will start with the implant of the circle because it represents the
god-form, the unity, the completeness. Some of you will select to have the pyramid structure implanted within you. That will be your greatest energy because you have aligned yourself for that structure on your planet.
Some of you have had many many lifetimes with that pyramid. Not particularly the
pyramid at Giza, the pyramids all over the planet, discovered and still undiscovered.
You think in your world that your geography is known. It is not. There are many
things that are still undiscovered because they are slipping from one reality to
another. Deep within jungles there are many pyramids that are Iying buried beneath mounds of earth. There are still many wonders to uncover.
Back to this five sided structure. Those of you who are willing to take the physical body and believe that there truly are no limitations, and to take this body and move yourself off the planet with it while still living on the planet, that is the kind of desire it will take to be implanted with this merkabah. Some of you have attempted to travel with it. Some of you know how it can be used in your being. But when you truly call it to yourself and you are willing to get the feeling of what that truly means, to be unlimited consciousness that will travel with the body without body, that is when that implanting will come. It is not the highest implanting. There are no highest or lowest implantings.
It is implanting that comes when it will best suit your personal development at the time. Once you have become implanted, there will be now, an unending process of new forms that will come into your being.
QUESTION: Do we pick our own implant?
PLEIADIANS: No, you do not choose the form that will be implanted for you. But
you, yourself, choose the life that you have. You choose what is important to you each day. What was important to you two years ago is not what is important to you today.
Two years ago, the way you carried your life would determine what energy would be best suited to facilitate your development at that time. It is a marriage of energies. Once you have become implanted in the beginning, once you align yourself with this highest creator, with this consciousness, then a form is placed inside of you. It is a geometric light form.
That form resonates within you. When that form has been placed inside of your
being, it facilitates a coming of knowledge to yourself. Once that energy from that form is assimilated, then you move, because your beliefs will change, your
alignment will change, you will evolve in your thinking, in your being, in your
consciousness, and you will be ready to have another light form placed inside of
Eventually you will all hold the alphabet of light inside of.your beings. This alphabet of light will teach you. How many of you have dreamt of geometric forms? That is an indication that the forms are working with you. If you wish to know what you have been implanted with, begin to see which forms continuously come first or that are larger than the others. Some of you will have cylinder shapes, the parallel lines, the spirals, the spheres, the cubes, the pyramids, the merkabah. There are many that do not even have names.
The shapes that you will recognize will number a certain amount and then
afterwards they will take new forms and new shapes that your consciousness
cannot translate. Eventually, you have heard of what is called the one
hundred-and-forty-four? [They] represent those that are of the spiritual hierarchy that are infused in the gridwork of your planet at this time.
There has been an entry point as if a great gathering is taking place. You will notice as this year progresses, that there will be very very large unfoldings of
consciousness. What does this have to do with the language of light?
QUESTION: Are the geometric forms sealed into the grid pattern?
PLEIADIANS: Yes, each one, each master, has its own seal, if you wish to use
that term, that would represent one portion of the language of light. So you have one-hundred-and-forty-four thousand seals of energy that will be infused within your being.
You may think how could we live that long to have all that occur? You will start by working with twelve forms, because twelve forms are basically the forms that the body will be able to hold. Much later, once the transformation has occurred, there will be a movement and there will be an infusion of the entire one-hundred-and-forty four-thousand symbolic language structures that will pass through your being. That will be an unfoldment that cannot even be explained in your lifetime because it is something that you cannot consciously make room for.
QUESTION: How does this tie in with the gridwork that is also expanding around
the planet?
PLEIADIANS: Each sacred site on the planet holds a mechanism that measures
time, and it measures consciousness of those within vicinity of this structure. They are there to monitor the consciousness of mankind. When you go to one of these sacred sites, knowing that you are aligning yourself with it, you trigger something within yourself, and you trigger something within the mechanism.
Who planted these mechanisms? The great biogeneticists that are in charge of this experiment on your earth sphere, Terra. They have been nurturing you, allowing you to blossom, to grow to your fullest potential before any changes are brought to being.
You must, as a species, be prepared [mentally and physically] to make this great
change. If those that watched you were not completely careful, and if they were
operating with anything less than love, and if the dial was turned up too quickly, your complete structure of body would not be able to handle the leap in dimensional experience. You are not prepared to have things sped up so quickly at this time.
You are all feeling the acceleration of yourselves and you are getting as much as you possibly can at this time. If you wish to hold more within your being, then we will teach you with the language of light how to do it, how to keep your gridwork expanded.
Your physical vehicles are not in preparation to have you be able to realize how
many channels you are tuned into simultaneously. That is what the preparation is. That is why we play games with you. That is why we have you on energy exercises.That is why we ask you to become clear.
The things we are teaching you are preparing you to see how multi-dimensional you are in each moment so that when you are able to tune in to the variety of stations that are your self, the variety of experiences, you will do it with joy, safety and sanity.
This is serious business. That is why your planet must be dealt with love. That is why the great lords of light, the biogeneticists who have designed you and who are now planning your next leap, are working with love, gently, slowly, in the dream state, in a state such as this, so that you can unfold in an easy fashion without fear of burning out who you are. Some of you have burned out in other lifetimes. That burning out came from rushing too quickly, from not having the consciousness expanded in such a fashion that would allow the great energy to come in. Intentions must be of the most highest form in the greatest upliftment. What that means is you allow love to come into your being and all that you do is moved with love.
QUESTION: What place do the Native American teachings have?
PLEIADIANS: The Native Americans were seeded and taught by the star entities.
They were brought to earth by those from the stars. They were seeded civilizations.They were taught how to live. They were taught how to harmonize. The Native Americans represent a star-seeded civilization which loved the earth, that implanted the earth with great energy.
The earth is what makes your experience possible. You could not be here if it were not for the earth. You do not yet love the earth enough and acknowledge it enough. By awakening the Native American teachings, you come to the realization that the earth is not something simply that you build upon and walk upon and drive upon and take for granted. It is a living entity. It has consciousness.
It is that you need to tap into the consciousness communication of earth. The
Native Americans will awaken all that has been stored within you and has been
taught over and over again, because you all have sojourned within those cultures. You will come to remember and come to cherish that which allows you to be here. You will marry it with your ancient heritage from the stars and unite the earth and the cosmos. You will unite it in your physical being and you will carry the consciousness of God. Through that you will birth a new sphere of being, new man and new earth.
Native Americans are very tuned in to the variety of species of consciousness. The combination of types of man animal man, insect man, bird man, all of these forms that have a reality. If you do not see them walking down the street, you do not think they exist. They exist in parallel realities and worlds all around you.
This is what you are going to find. This is why we said a long time ago, don't think that you are losing your marbles some days. You will be perceiving things. They are legitimate. They are real. It is what the Native Americans will help you to understand.
QUESTION: Can I learn to fly?
PLEIADIANS: Your reality is determined by that which you have subjected yourself
to. Being that you have all grown up in a basically unknown paradigm that does not support getting out of body and does not support interdimensional travel, it is not the easiest thing to begin it when you are getting the idea within your head. If you are desiring to learn how to fly and how to change forms, then you get it very clear inside of yourself that that is what you are wanting. It is a phase of you development that you intend more than any other to move into and you will draw to yourself a teacher.
When you think of what you want and intend that this is the next step of your
development, something will come in to teach you. You literally create it and bring it into your world.
The teaching of flying has to do with the alteration of consciousness and what you think the physical body can do. When you fly, a portion of your consciousness moves into another dimension of experience. You feel yourself flying, you see yourself flying, you travel, and then you land in a new place, and the body is dematerialized and brought forward with you.
You are going to find that some of the Native American teachers that are going to surface on your planet are going to teach you how to fly. It will be an added bonus to your talents in the years ahead. This truly will be.
QUESTION: How can we expect to have relationships, either starting or continuing,if they are changing on a day-to-day basis, or our perceptions are changing, our needs, our wants are constantly changing?
PLEIADIANS: You are going to have to look very closely inside of yourself to see
what kind of relationships whether they are intimate relationships, or general
relationships you are going to feel comfortable adding to your life, knowing who you are becoming. How important is it going to be for each and every one of you to have your partners doing the same thing? How important is support? How much support are you willing to give another? In what way will your partners mirror who you are?
You are also going to move into a new aspect of what it is to be in relationship. You are going to see that relationship [does not mean] ownership. It is allowing. It is respecting. It is being there for another to facilitate their journey. You will re-evaluate what relationships will be many times.
There will be very intensely bonded relationships in the unnamed decade. Those
couplings that come together in the time of great expansion in this
nineteen-nineties will be very joyous. There will not be so many shiftings around of staying for short periods of time and then going off to someone else. There will be a great revelation and recognition of who another person is. You will come together in that fashion.
You will find that many that you were attracted to years ago you would never be
attracted to now, because you can see. That seeing will become more and more
clear. You find that those experiments that took away from your upliftment, that you were needing to sojourn within, you do not need to sojourn within now. You will move with life and love and joy, and you will not feel lonely that you are not in a relationship because your life will be full.
When the proper relationship comes, you will recognize it. You will be able to see who that person is. You do not have time now for nonsense. You are finished with that. You are clear. You are clean, becoming what is called a spiritual warrior. You are activating a very high energy within yourself, an energy that will bring you more joy and satisfaction than you have ever dreamt possible. You are aligning yourself with a purpose and a great creative impetus that brings all this to being. Each of you know deep inside of yourselves that you are not going to miss out on that information for anything. So relax. You will get it all and more.
We will be speaking with you again. Our advice, if you wish to take it, is to build the road that is easy to walk upon and to have an intention of uplifting journeys.
Photonic Language: A Crop Circle Point of View;
I've learned that 'Projection' is a most appropriate word with which to describe the way a CropCircle is generated. There are parallels between the way the
Energies are used in the Transmissions and the Energies conveyed by the words 'spear' and 'arrow'. For example, it appears as though the Toruses ('Balls') of
Light which create the Formations 'hurl' or 'shoot' (ie, project) the Sound, Heat,and Wind Energies from within their own Energy fields into the area of the
Formation-to-be. Also, the Energies of the Toruses are coherent ones whose
beams literally fly straight 'like an arrow'.
A good analogy between the Formations and Stan's definition is that of the
'seeds', for the frequency-Gifts (the residual 'energetic vibrations') within and radiating from each Formation over subsequent years are indeed being
projected and seeded by the 'parent plant' (our spiritual if not genetic*
'forebears'/contemporaries, the CircleMakers) in the hope that these 'seeds',
which carry within them myriad consciousness-enhancing frequencies, will find fertile ground, root and sprout among us. Joyfully, and in conjunction with a
veritable stream of non-Circle-related 'miracles' we are now receiving, humans
worldwide are in the process of recognizing and honoring such 'fertility' within. As are the arrivals of The Circles themselves, our collective Awakening appears unstoppable ...
[ * I believe that our CircleMakers are a non-physical Entity -- a
consciousness gestalt, or 'personality essence', even as the Seth declares himself to be. I think of The CircleMakers as a single, unified Consciousness comprised of a very large number of highly spiritually evolved once-individual
Awarenesses, or facets of Consciousness. Though comprised of 'many points
of Light', all 'feed in to' and augment the whole. They manifest their Intent via a single Will, and maintain Their existence within a single frequency -- the purest and most fertile-ly creative frequency in our Universe, that of Love (Lo-Phi). Of all Energies, only Love is capable of Manifesting on all frequencies. The CircleMaker gestalt Is as One.]
Still another correlation might be made with Stan's definition. He writes that
ZaYiN implies 'Action beyond [as opposed to "within"] limits, like a sprout'. When we have our Will under our conscious control, when we're able to focus
all of our energies toward a specific Intent, and when we not only decide upon
a course of Action but are Will-ing to follow through (ie, to project our Will,
as The CircleMakers are projecting Theirs to create the Formations), then we
too, like the sprout, will be effortlessly nourished by the Greater Reality
Energies, and our actions will have effects 'beyond' our normally accepted limits as we encourage ourselves to grow to our full multidimensional potentials.
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